Managed GRC & Compliance
Secured Success Starts Here
Success starts within the parameters of every company framework. Quzara ensures the safety of businesses by offering incident response, technical assessment, training, and advisory services that help defend against advanced threats, respond to widespread attacks, and enhance cybersecurity practice, controls, and protocols.
Our Role
Quzara provides governance, risk and compliance (GRC) technology advisory services to organizations on their digital transformation journeys. We offer GRC software solutions, advisory and design services, tool evaluation and selection, as well as implementation and optimization services.
Our compliance teams assist in defining and developing "Corporate GRC" processes and "IT GRC" programs. Using GRC tools, we map security controls to IT, compliance, and security teams. A customized program-based solution is also available to customers in collaboration with our GRC tool partners. Our customers use us to define their privacy programs based on a combination of legal requirements, public relations risk reduction, opportunity and differentiation created by offering customers superior privacy protections than the competition, and a desire to do the right thing within the organization.

- GRC Controls Framework and Tool deployment
- Corporate GRC Program
GRC Controls Framework and Tool Deployment
Quzara compliance teams assist clients with mapping security implementations to FedRAMP, CMMC, ISO, SOC2 and other security frameworks. We help organizations produce controls documentation, performance risk assessments, produce controls reporting and ultimately support their audits.
This helps automate and manage risks, controls, identities, cyberthreats, and international trade across the enterprise with embedded analytics and artificial intelligence. GRC platforms help unify enterprise risk and control activities on a common technology platform, leveraging continuous monitoring for agile decision-making.
Corporate GRC Program
The Quzara compliance team assists clients in defining corporate processes that impact company-wide risk governance and reporting as part of our GRC framework. By defining the rules for collecting personally identifiable information ("PII"), we help companies apply them to the collection of names, addresses, account numbers, and social security numbers of their customers. Our IT GRC processes help us document, govern, and continuously inform stakeholders about how company data is segregated, secured, and that certain statutory obligations regarding information protection are met.
What Makes Quzara Different
Our solution provides clients with predefined security controls, guidelines, and strategies that have been tested, qualified, and documented, as well as security tools, controls, configurations, and documentation templates that are ready to be integrated into existing environments.
By leveraging previous attestations and compliance certifications, Quzara assists organizations with mapping regulatory frameworks including SOC 2 type 2, HITRUST iL1, StateRAMP, PII, and HIPAA.
As part of Quzara's Cybertorch™ SOC-aaS, we review existing procedures and streamline response techniques for detecting, mitigating, and resolving adversary attacks across clients' networks. Quzara's predefined security controls are easily inherited into your existing security infrastructure allowing quick implementation and immediate use.